Comms in the Irish Defence Forces
1st Signals Coy
Site Contents
Air Defence Coy
Air Signals Sqn
Air Support Coy Signals Corps
Army HQ CIS Coy
Army HQ Coy
Comms Division
Curragh Command Coy
Depot Signals
Eastern Command Signals Coy
Field Force Signals
HQ Army Signal Corps
Independent Corps of Signals
School of Signals
Section Signals
Southern Command Coy
Western Command Coy
11th Communications Bn
11th Field Signals Coy
1st Bde CIS Coy
1st Field Signals Coy
1st Garrison Signals Coy
1st Signals Coy
2nd Bde CIS Coy
2nd Field Signals Coy
2nd Garrison Signals Coy
2nd Signals Coy
31st Res CIS Coy
3rd Field Signals Coy
3rd Garrison Signals Coy
3rd Signals Coy
4th Bde CIS Coy
4th Field Signals Coy
4th Garrison Signals Coy
54th Res CIS Coy
5th Field Signals Coy
62nd Res CIS Coy
6th Field Signals Coy
To be updated